How to enable @debug messages

By default log messages with the debug level (e.g. from @debug) are not visible. This is because the lowest log level accepted by the default ConsoleLogger is Logging.Info – anything below that will be discarded.

The simplest way to enable all @debug-level messages is thus to create a new logger that accept also these messages. Here is an example of that:

using Logging

# New ConsoleLogger that prints to stderr and accept messages with level >= Logging.Debug
debug_logger = ConsoleLogger(stderr, Logging.Debug)

This new logger can now be used instead of the default one either locally for a task, or globally, see Working with loggers. Examples:

julia> with_logger(debug_logger) do # Enable the debug logger locally
            @debug "This is visible now!"
┌ Debug: This is visible now!
@ Main REPL[1]:4
julia> global_logger(debug_logger); # Enable the debug logger globally
julia> @debug "This is visible now!" ┌ Debug: This is visible now! @ Main REPL[3]:2

The method described above works for any logger that accept the log level as an argument, however, this is not always the case. An alternative, and more composable, way to enable debug messages is to use message filtering based on the log level. This is described in more detail in How to filter messages, but an example with log level filtering is given here using a MinLevelLogger.

MinLevelLogger is a logger that wraps another logger, but only let messages with high enough level pass through to the wrapped logger. In this example we wrap a ConsoleLogger that accept every message (Logging.BelowMinLevel).

using Logging, LoggingExtras

logger = MinLevelLogger(
    ConsoleLogger(stderr, Logging.BelowMinLevel),

with_logger(logger) do
    @debug "This is visible!"
┌ Debug: This is visible!
@ Main

To selectively enable debug messages from e.g. certain modules or packages, or filtering based on things other than the log level, see How to filter messages.

JULIA_DEBUG environment variable

Another "quick and dirty" way of enabling debug messages is to make use of the environment variable JULIA_DEBUG (see Logging/Environmental variables). This variable can be set to all, to enable all debug messages, or to one or more module names in a comma separated list, to selectively enable debug messages from certain modules. However, using JULIA_DEBUG does not compose as nicely as using proper log message filtering (see How to filter messages). See for example this issue for some more discussion and information: JuliaLogging/LoggingExtras.jl#20 .