How to filter messages

In this tutorial we will see how to filter messages based on the metadata (level, module, etc.) and the content of log messages. In How to enable @debug messages and Send messages to multiple locations there were examples of how to filter messages based on the log level, but not based on other things.

Messages can be filtered in two stages during the logging system message plumbing. In the first stage only the metadata is known (level, module, group, and id). In particular the message string itself has not been constructed yet. Filtering at this stage can be more efficient if the log message creation is expensive. For example, in

@info "The value of some_expensive_call is: $(some_expensive_call(args...))"

the call to some_expensive_call has not happened yet in the early stage. Messages can also be filtered later, when more information is available, such as the full message string, file and line, and any keyword arguments.

Early filtering using EarlyFilteredLogger

Filtering in the early stage can be done with an EarlyFilteredLogger from the LoggingExtras.jl package. The EarlyFilteredLogger takes a predicate function and a logger as input arguments. If the predicate returns true the message is passed on to the wrapped logger, otherwise it is ignored. The predicate function is passed a named tuple, see LoggingExtras.shouldlog_args, as the only input.

Here is an example of a logger that only accept (i) messages that are of Logging.Info level (Logging.Info <= level < Logging.Warn) and (ii) messages coming from the Foo module:

using Logging, LoggingExtras

# Define the Foo module
module Foo
    info() = @info "Information from Foo"
    warn() = @warn "Warning from Foo"
using .Foo

# Create the logger
logger = EarlyFilteredLogger(global_logger()) do args
    r = Logging.Info <= args.level < Logging.Warn && args._module === Foo
    return r

# Test it
with_logger(logger) do
    @info "Information from Main"
    @warn "Warning from Main"
[ Info: Information from Foo

As you can see, the only message that wasn't dropped by the filter is the @info message from the Foo module!


The MinLevelLogger is just a special case of an EarlyFilteredLogger that only checks that the log level of the message is higher than the configured one.

Together with the TeeLogger we can now create arbitrary routing for the messages. Here is a more complicated example:

using Logging, LoggingExtras

logger = TeeLogger(
        args -> args._module === WebServer,
                args -> args.level < Logging.Info,
                args -> Logging.Info <= args.level < Logging.Warn,
                args -> Logging.Warn <= args.level,

This logger send all messages to the current global logger and an EarlyFilteredLogger. The EarlyFilteredLogger then drops all messages that doesn't come from the module WebServer and send the remaining ones to a new TeeLogger. This TeeLogger send messages to three EarlyFilteredLoggers that only keep messages of a certain level and send those to FileLoggers corresponding to the level. This means that, in "debug.log" there will only be messages that come from WebServer (the first filter) and that have debug log level. Similarly, in "info.log" there will only be messages with info log level, and any messages with higher level (warn, error) will end up in "warnings_and_errors.log".

Late filtering using ActiveFilteredLogger

In case of filtering based on level, module, group, and id is not enough it is possible to use an ActiveFilteredLogger, also from the LoggingExtras.jl package. This logger is similar to the EarlyFilteredLogger, with the only difference that the named tuple that the predicate functions is given contains more data, see LoggingExtras.handle_message_args. Here is an example of a logger that filter based on the message string content:

using Logging, LoggingExtras

logger = ActiveFilteredLogger(global_logger()) do args
    return args.message == "Hello there!" || args.message == "General Kenobi!"

with_logger(logger) do
    @info "I find your lack of faith disturbing."
    @info "Hello there!"
    @info "General Kenobi!"
    @info "Power! Unlimited power!"
[ Info: Hello there!
[ Info: General Kenobi!