Send messages to multiple locations

In this tutorial we will see how log messages can be sent to multiple locations at the same time. In e.g. Working with loggers and How to log to a file we saw some alternative loggers (NullLogger, FileLogger, etc.) and how to use them. However, in those examples we made so that messages were sent only to the new logger. The LoggingExtras.jl package implement a logger for this purpose, the TeeLogger. The name is inspired by the shell utility tee which writes command output to both standard out and a file.

A very common logging setup is to write logs to both stderr (as the default logger does) and a file. Here is how we can do that using a TeeLogger, a FileLogger, and the default ConsoleLogger:

using Logging, LoggingExtras

logger = TeeLogger(
    global_logger(),          # Current global logger (stderr)
    FileLogger("logfile.log") # FileLogger writing to logfile.log

When using this logger every message will be routed to both the default logger and to the file. Together with log message filtering it is possible to create arbitrary log message routing since all the loggers compose nicely and they can be nested. This is described more in How to filter messages, but a short example of this is given below.

Here is a logger that writes messages to three loggers:

  • The default global logger (stderr),
  • A MinLevelLogger accepting any message with level >= Info and writing them to a file "logfile.log" using a FileLogger,
  • A MinLevelLogger accepting any message with level >= Debug and writing them to a file "debug.log" using a FileLogger.
using Logging, LoggingExtras

logger = TeeLogger(
    # Current global logger (stderr)
    # Accept any messages with level >= Info
    # Accept any messages with level >= Debug